Backpacks, Blues, & Rock n Roll

How to purchase tickets: Scan the QR code or click the link to be taken to our Venmo account: Under “What’s this for?” write “Backpacks, Blues, and Rock N’ Roll” and include how many tickets you’re purchasing and the names of those attending. Hit “Pay”. Your name will then be added to a list…

Celebrate Tu BiShvat

Celebrate Tu BiShvat – the original Earth Day! Do good for the earth! Donate to support forestry and green innovations efforts and plant trees in Israel!  Jewish National Fund-USA has planted over 260 million trees in Israel. While this is an impressive achievement, there is always a need for more due to natural forest regrowth,…

From Mistakes to Miracles

Join us February 26 at 11:00 AM at the Friedman JCC to hear about the book “From Mistakes to Miracles” as Lori Prashker-Thomas Discusses Adoption, Stigma, Shame, & Standing Strong in Her Book Join us for a light brunch co-sponsored by Friedman JCC and Temple Israel. Food under dietary supervision of Temple Israel. Reservations are required Contact…

Holocaust Remembrance Concert

Save the Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 7:30 pm A haunting choral tribute to the six million Jews who were systematically persecuted and murdered. Based on primary sources studied in the Aleksander Kulisiewicz Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Donald McCullough composed the Holocaust Cantata (Songs from the Camps) in 1998. The…