February 7, 2022 @ 12:00 pm
The Sidney and Pauline Friedman Jewish Community Center
613 S J Strauss Ln
Music Therapy For A Better Life @ The Sidney and Pauline Friedman Jewish Community Center
Continues every Monday at | 12:00pm
What is Music Therapy and who does it help? Music Therapy is simply the application of music to suit the needs of an individual or group. It can be cognitive, emotional, physical, or social needs.  It can help foster relationships within the context of a group music setting and can be way to increase enjoyment of music. Music can also foster increased quality of life and reduce stress in the general population.
   You do not need to have specific musical skills to participate in a music therapy group. If you do possess music skills that is great too! Hopefully you have an appreciation of music or want to develop one! Music therapists use a variety of approaches to encourage participation. Singing, employing the power of rhythm, or listening mindfully are just a few ways to experience music. The most important aspect of an experience is that it should be pleasant and non-threatening.
Please join us for music therapy classes at the JCC in 2022. Classes will continue every Monday at 12 noon.
Any questions please call and ask for Kevin 570-824-4646.