Dear Friends,
When we think about what stimulates our passion and involvement with the Friedman JCC, it is that the JCC has such a profound existence in so many people’s everyday life. Our impact is real, generations have been touched by our programs and by our mission. Lives have been changed for the better, our community has been strengthened, and friendships have been nurtured.
The JCC has always practiced the art of being present, focusing on the needs of the community. After the initial closure in March, we first reopened in June to provide exceptional care to the children of essential workers. Then all children. When we got the go-ahead to run camp, even under stricter guidelines, we rose to support the community. We pivoted to find ways to stay present in people’s lives. We reopened our JCC while exceeding the safety guidelines and protocols.
We were creative. We were resourceful. We began and continue to provide virtual programs. We never stopped addressing the issues of food insecurity. Our Kraus-Chaiken Food Pantry remained open to meet the needs of many.
Not every organization made or could make the choice to reopen as we did. Our virtual programming provided outreach within the safety of homes and reopening was our commitment to being present to our community in need. Our mission calls us to be ever present.
We recognize the value of being present in people’s lives. Our tradition teaches that we are each responsible for each other. Thank you for your support! Have a happy and healthy holiday!
Gary Bernstein
Chief Executive Officer